Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Some Good News

The good news is Todd got a steady job. The not-so-good part is the pay is no where near enough to support us like his old job. He'll still have to do other stuff to keep us afloat but hopefully this position will lead to better things down the road. It's a position with Luke Air Force Base so it is close to home & possibly good benefits. He just started today so I don't have too much info to give right now. I just wanted to let those who have been praying for this situation know what's going on. A friend from work who's husband is military told us about it. Hopefully this is the "foot in the door" type of position he needs. Also, they finally closed on that real estate deal & we got our check-woo hoo!

Hannah started basketball last week but Todd had to take her to her first game because I was sick again. Her team won. I'll be taking her tomorrow though. I am feeling better.

The pictures above are from my nephew's birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese. I only took 3 pictures-shocking I know! Hannah was too busy to come near the camera because I was watching Amanda's kids that day. She & Reanne (and Isabel) were off doing something. If I had not held their token cups at the table I may never have seen them at all. If I had gotten a picture of her it would just be a blur. I snapped Joshua because he could not always stand being around 3 girls! He thought we looked cool in those snazzy goodie bag glasses. What do you think? They have another birthday party at another Chuck E. Cheese on Valentine's Day for Scarlett.

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