Saturday, November 12, 2016

Hannah's 17th B-day Pics

 #1 (above)
 #2 (above)
 #3 (above)
 #4 (above)
 #5 (above)

I wasn't going to have a picture done for #17 because we couldn't really afford much & I want to do something special for senior pics next year but a lady just getting into photography was offering free sessions so I signed up. These are the best ones that didn't have too much sun in their faces. She took some of just Joshua since he hasn't had his done in a few years but his didn't really turn out. Let me know what you want:)

Hannah survived the PSAT. We don't get results till Dec. She auditioned for The Little Mermaid Jr. & got the part if Grimsby. Rehearsals start Tuesday. Looking forward to Thanksgiving & A Family Affair.