Sunday, April 12, 2009

He is Risen-Happy Easter!

This was the last picture of the day after our kids had to change into spare or original clothes because the other stuff got soaked in a water balloon/hose fight. This is with Alysa & Carolyn.

The horny toad Todd found. See, I'm more willing to put this picture on over the scorpion one from the White Tanks visit.

The kids with Alysa sneaking in. Belinda, she's in several more of my pictures just in case you didn't get any. I got some Simpson & Ellison kids too.

We hope everyone had a blessed Easter today remembering the reason for this season. We went to church & to Easter celebration #3 afterward. Notice there are no pictures for Easter celebration #2 because Todd took them to the one at church while I worked. I am the camera fanatic-without me there are no pictures! They had fun of course with bounce houses,face painting,egg hunting,baby chicks & bunnies, & hearing the Easter story.

Today the kids got worn out egg hunting,egg tossing,3 legged racing (Hannah),& water balloon fighting. They fell asleep on the hour long ride home. Tired but happy.

Joshua cracked me up in church today. He was obviously paying attention & doing "school" at the same time. There was scripture up on the screen with the word "tomb". He whispers to me "the B is silent". I said yes & later he tells me without the B it just says Tom-like in a name. Smart little boy. Wait, there's more. After we get home he tells me to ask him what 13 + 14 is. I ask him & he says 27. Right again. I ask how he knows this in his head. He says "well, 3 +4 is 7 and 1+1 is 2. So that's 27". I find out later he has done this before. I remember him telling me Daddy bought 48 cans of Coke the other day but I thought nothing of it till tonight. We asked how he knew there were 48 cans in the 4 twelve packs. He answered it said 12 on the box & 2+2+2+2 =8 and 1+1+1+1=4. That's 48. Is this normal? Anyone? I just don't remember Hannah doing stuff like that at 5 (almost 6).

We've got normal routine stuff this week until Friday. Friday evening is our Art & poetry Fair and Ice Cream Social. I got my shift covered & since it's at night that means Todd can go. We'll be working with clay this week.

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