Thursday, July 12, 2012

EEG Update

Hannah had her EEG this morning and wasn't nervous at all. She was definitely sleep deprived. She stayed up all night/morning till it was time to go. Joshua stayed up with her for most of the time while I went to bed at 1am. He was asleep when I came downstairs at 6am. It turns out last night was a good night for her to be up all night. With the monsoon storm she wouldn't have been able to sleep anyway.

The whole test lasted about 45 minutes & I won't know any details until the August 2nd appointment. She had 25 thingies attached to her head with some sort of adhesive so the first thing she did when we got home was shower. She just got up from a nap on the bean bag chair. She's fine-just tired from her all-nighter.

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