Saturday, July 9, 2011


I see it's been over a month since I posted. There just hasn't been anything picture worthy going on. June was just typical. We do school 2-3 days a week,the kids played hockey (with a few trips to Wet 'n Wild mixed in),and we see the summer movies. I just thought I'd pop in to let my few readers know I'm still around.

The kids last hockey game is next week and they will end up with at least silver but we're hoping for gold, of course. Joshua has earned the nickname "The Beast" from some other kids for his goal tending abilities. I guess all those times he's asked me to throw things at him has paid off! I expect that will be the next time I'll have a good picture to post.

July 4th was our 14th anniversary. We went out to lunch,had some friends over for swimming and BBQ, & then some more friends came over with fireworks. We never did make it to an actual fireworks show this year.

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