Thursday, April 15, 2010

Butterflies and Krispy Kreme

One of only 3 butterflies that made it this year.

We let our butterflies go yesterday. We got 5 caterpillars but only 3 survived to be released.

On Tuesday we went to Krispy Kreme for a field trip with HEofS. I don't care for donuts so getting up to drive to Arrowhead by 8am was not a trip I'd normally make. But I DO like my kids enough to get them there for a behind the scenes tour.

We didn't end up doing the Science Fair this year. We just didn't have enough time to prepare. We are participating in a craft fair later this month. The kids are making things to sell. They each have ideas where to spend the money. Joshua is saving for the next Sea World/Disneyland trip. Hannah is saving for a theater class in the Fall. She's seeking donations if you all have any money to spare-drama is not cheap! She's even more determined since we just got home from a Spring theater production-Seussical. She really,really,really wants to be in a play later this year.

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