Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wildlife Presentation

One of two Gila Monsters


Checking out the gila monsters.

Joshua feeding his favorite animal.

After P.E. on Monday the kids got to see a small wildlife presentation. The animals the man brought were an owl,2 gila monsters, & a prarie dog. I couldn't get great pictures because of the glass on their cages. I also thought I'd include one more zoo picture.

Todd had the MRI yesterday but doesn't go back to the doctor till next week to find out what happens next to fix his knee.

Hannah's dance classes have been either canceled or put on hold which is a bummer. It also means no Mother's Day dance recital next week. I've also got 3 punches left on her punch card so I hope it all gets figured out soon. She's getting very excited for the Sock Hop on Saturday & her showcase later this month.

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