Sunday, May 10, 2009

Father Daughter Sock Hop

Cute 50's Girl

Hula Hooping skills from the Smith genes!

Todd & Hannah had a good time at the Father/Daughter dance last night. Thanks to Grandma Judy for the poodle skirt. I found the shoes in just her size at Savers. Trying to find saddle shoes & actually finding them in the right size can only be God taking an interest in even the small things in our lives. Hannah looked adorable if I do say so myself. Take no notice of Joshua right behind Todd. That stinker didn't like being told he could not be in the picture. He won I guess.I didn't notice this till today. I'm glad I sent the camera with Todd,that he remembered to take pictures, & he didn't lose the camera. Yeah!

I made a chocolate cake to look like a record for the potluck. I tinted chocolate frosting black & made groove marks with a fork all the way around but I forgot to take a picture so you'll just have to imagine it. I taped a "label" to a Pringles lid in the center. Of course the kids have no idea what a 45 really looks like.

Scroll down for a Mother's Day wish. For Mother's Day we wanted to avoid any crowds/waits & eat cheap. After church we went to Pizza Hut with some coupons that made our meal under $10. Then we used a Cold Stone coupon to get the kids some ice cream. Me & Todd were stuffed so we saved money by not getting ice cream there. I'd rather put that money in the Disneyland bank anyway- which is only 7 days away! We rented a couple .99 videos & will cuddle up with the kids to watch them later. Pretty good day. I was given 4 free movie tickets by a sweet co-worker & we considered seeing a movie but decided it might be too busy. We're saving them for when "UP" comes out.

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