Tuesday, December 2, 2008

State Fair 2008

We went to the State Fair on October 22nd with HEoS. Todd got to go with us this year-last year he had to work. Todd is in charge of "art" class as most of you can guess why. I can handle cutting & gluing but actual art is pretty much stick figures & coloring in the lines for me. Hannah entered her drawing at the fair & the picture above is her with her displayed artwork. We were both very proud. Joshua refused to participate so maybe he's inherited my lack of art skills. I think he may try next year since he's seen his sister get a ribbon & how it's displayed for all to see. She got a participant ribbon but of course I think she should have placed.

Here's a close up of her art. We want to frame it and hang it up somewhere.

Todd with the kids while we wait to get in. Their tye dye shirts were another art project.

Joshua on the ferris wheel. He's so handsome.

I took lots of pictures but this is the only one I'm actually in. I guess I should have asked Todd to take it since he & Hannah were on the other side but we tend to take a lot of pictures like this. The kids each got 3 free rides by reading 3 books & it was $1 ride day so we bought a few extra rides. Todd & Hannah who are both braver than me went on some crazy rides while my less brave sidekick & I watched. I have never actually thrown up on a ride but some of those rides they went on might have had that effect on me. Crazy. I just don't like going upside down. They went on stuff that was going up & down, round & round, & upside down-at the SAME time. I AM glad Todd has someone to go on those rides with though-someone other than me!
We had a fun day and we'll be there again next year.

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