Sunday, April 5, 2020

Disneyland ~Max Pass Pics

 In the ride pic of Guardians of the Galaxy, we're in the back row. Minus Joshua since he hates this ride. His loss.

 We usually try to plan something for when we know where they take the picture. Other times we're on our own & we see what each other did afterwards. I tell you this so you know that Joshua knew the cameras were coming up & he planned the nose picking. Hannah is contemplating life, I think.

 Todd's not a fan of the photographer posing us & the picture above was supposed to stay a secret but I don't think he ever visits the blog. Shhhhh, don't tell him.

 In the pic above, Mickey is welcoming Hannah to the Disney family. The photo pass guy saw Hannah's button & we said we were there to meet the boss.

Meeting Donald. Hannah was wearing a Baymax shirt (that Todd designed) that says "I am not fast". Donald indicated that he wasn't either. He also liked my Loki mischief shirt. 

All these pictures are from our Max Pass. That's why they look good and clear. My pics from my camera will be up next. Sorry if there seem to be lots of the same pose. I always have a hard time picking my favorite.

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