Hannah's Hobbit House cake. Picture was taken at home before the cake got old looking at the Fair. She got 1st place (and $5).
Joshua's minion cupcakes. I can't remember now if these took 2nd or 3rd....
Hannah's melted crayon art.
Hannah's "experimental" minion art. The Minion is made with shaving cream,glue, & food coloring so it's a little puffy.
Joshua and his minion art.
Joshua and his melted crayon art. These were fun to make.
Joshua's excellent mixed media art. Too bad the judges must be bitter Coyotes fans as it didn't place. Seriously? Look at how awesome the Blackhawk is drawn!
Joshua's recycled art (Hannah made one too but without the paint splatter). The "tree" is made of brown paper bags for the trunk & cut up toilet paper tubes for the leaves.
Joshua's watercolor giraffes.
The State Fair was pretty successful in terms of ribbons & prize money. We found all their student art (free to enter but lots of competition from public schools AND no prize money),home art/crafts ($1 per entry,less competition because of the fee, & prize money if they place), and culinary arts items (also $1 per entry & prize money if they place).
Let's just say they entered a lot more stuff than the pictures show. Between them they earned 28 ribbons and $70. Not too shabby!
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