Sunday, September 16, 2012

Honk! Jr. Surprise cast

 The whole Surprise cast.
 3 beautiful swans.
 The swan family.

 Hannah as a froglet.
 More swan pics.
Hannah as a poultry of some sort.

Here's a few action shots from the CD I finally got from Moezart. It was hard to narrow them down. I usually post a bunch on Facebook & just a few with Hannah on the blog. She was a poultry,swan,froglet,goose,and "snow" in the Surprise cast back in April. Lots of costume changes. 

This was such an amazing play/musical. She had so much fun so she was ecstatic when the next month she was picked for the "Select Troupe". Select cast is like an encore presentation of Honk! Jr. but with kids from all over the valley. Lots of Surprise kids made it in but they may have had different parts. For the select cast Hannah was the Mother Swan and poultry. Again, tons of fun. The Select cast was much bigger and Hannah made friends with Moezart students from other classes across the valley. Those pictures will be next.

We went up to Prescott yesterday to pan for gold. Real panning-not go to a tourist place where you're guaranteed to get some fool's gold flakes. I have little patience. Todd has a bit more than me so let's just say it didn't last long. Plus, Hannah wasn't feeling well and all those bees and other bugs out in nature did not make a fun day for Joshua. Joshua did pee outside for the first time. Too much information? We walked around downtown Prescott for a little bit,stopped at McDonalds for ice cream,got Barro's Pizza for dinner, and watched movies before bed. Not a total loss of a day.

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