Us with Vivian Campbell (left) & Rick Allen (right) from one of our favorite '80's (& today) bands:DEF LEPPARD!
The picture that will have to pass for Joshua's 8 year picture. Yes, I obviously took it myself but it will have to do:)
So here's the exciting news that the few of you who actually read this already know: We got to meet two members of Def Leppard before their concert a couple weeks ago. Todd won tickets to see them off a radio station a few months ago but since we really needed the cash, we sold them. Then he won another pair from a different radio station and the chance to win a grand prize. I wanted to sell the 2nd pair too (even though I still love Def Leppard) but it was too close to the day and we couldn't pick up the tickets. They were going to hold them at the box office on will call for us. Then Todd found out he won the grand prize to meet the band & an autographed guitar. Of course we went to the concert!
So we were pretty excited. Sadly, we only met 2 members and it wasn't the 2 I would have preferred but still cool. It's not every day you meet a drummer who can play drums better with one arm than some 2 armed drummers, right? They signed a couple CD covers, the concert promoter took 1 picture, and we were off to see the show. We got the guitar the next week. I can't believe we've been listening to them for over 20 years. Fun!
Also pictured is Hannah's shorter haircut and Joshua's 8 year picture that I finally just took with my camera. There is a studio that does a really cheap package but since he hates it so much I didn't want to deal with it. I have enlargements for those of you who usually get one.
Hannah has been enjoying theater again as well as being on a Junior Bible Quiz team with 4 other girls. Their team name is God's Girlz. It's Bible trivia similar to the National Spelling Or Geography Bees. If they make it to State then they move on to Regionals which will be held in AZ this year. The girls are beyond determined to make it to Nationals in Florida so there will be much fundraising going on! Their first meet is in November. Hannah's play this fall is "Fools" and she's pretty happy with her part. It's a comedy about a town in Russia who is cursed with stupidity.
Joshua will begin flag football in October and he's very excited for it to start. This is a different league than we've done flag football with before. The homeschool football usually starts around the end of November or beginning of December. I'm not sure if we're doing that one this year. This league is sponsored by the NFL so the jerseys will be team names from the NFL. Based on the favorite of some of the players his team name will be the Steelers. Perfect! I guess there were 2 other Steelers fans and some parents didn't care to vote so that was the majority.
We have been busy getting the kids' art ready for the state fair in October. We have to drop off next weekend. They are hoping for some blue ribbons.
That's the update for now.
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