On the Tilt-A-Whirl

This ride was similar to Mulholland Madness at California Adventure.

This was one of Hannah's 3 first place ribbon winners. It's the ocean scene.

This one didn't win anything but it's MY favorite (the cross painting).

The Winnie the Pooh drawing won 3rd place

This butterfly drawing got 4th place.

Hannah got 1st place and Joshua got 2nd place for their cakes.

In front of a sand sculpture about the 5 C's of Arizona.
Here's some pictures from the State Fair on Wednesday. We got there around 9:30 for a group picture with HEofS. Our 1st stop is always to see if the kids' entries won any ribbons. I knew where their cakes were displayed since I put them in the display case myself on the drop off day. The kids were so excited to see that Hannah got 1st place & Joshua got 2nd place for their cakes. They are already trying to figure out a cool cake design for next year.
Next stop was finding their artwork. Joshua entered a marker drawing of some 100 Acre Wood friends and a crayon drawing of a butterfly. He got 4th place for the butterfly and 3rd place for the Pooh picture. His recycled art Stanley Cup sculpture didn't win anything so I'm pretty sure some of those judges don't know much! That was it for his stuff. Last year he entered one drawing and got 2nd place. This year he got 3 ribbons so he's happy (4 if you count the participation ribbon he got-everyone gets one of those for their items that don't place).
Hannah entered more items. She wove a potholder for the weaving category and got 1st place. If anyone wants a potholder she'd be happy to make you one in whatever colors you want.
She made an Advent calendar for the recycled art category. I thought it would place but it didn't. I'm not sure if it got an honorable mention or not. Most HM had a sticker on the tag but hers has an HM hand written on it. Not sure if they ran out of stickers or if she got HM at all. We'll find out when we pick up. It was a pizza box covered in Christmas wrapping paper. It is covered in toilet paper tubes cut in half with a Sunny D cap on the ends. They are all numbered up to 24. Inside each tube is a trinket toy or candy. Then there's a Lays Stax can glued to the side to hold all the caps after they are removed each day of Advent. It's hard to describe.
We found her colored pencil drawing of a rainbow over water which got an Honorable Mention. This was one I didn't think would get anything because she basically drew it in 3 minutes. Her painting of 3 crosses was my favorite but didn't get anything. Go figure. Her last piece of art was mixed-media 3D. I loved this piece and she did win 1st place. It was acrylic paint,sand & seashells from Coronado (and a sand dollar),painted tinfoil, and cotton balls. You can figure it out from the picture.
So Hannah got three 1st place ribbons and at least 1 Honorable Mention. She was more than thrilled. She hasn't placed in anything the last 2 years.
We checked out the animals and then had a snack with some stuff I brought from home to save money. We planned on using a birthday coupon from Fuddruckers for a late lunch instead of spending way more on not-so-great overpriced Fair food.
At noon all the rides opened. The kids each had 3 free rides from a reading program. We bought 5 more rides so Todd or I could go with them. It was $1 ride day. On one ride a nice man in front of us used his VIP ride pass to pay for us too. That was a sweet unexpected surprise.
We stopped to look at their art again and left for Fuddruckers. Later that night we had a Fall festival at church which the kids had fun at. I hope to get those pictures up soon.It was a busy day.