Our beautiful 9 year old Luau girlThe picture above is from
Hannah's luau birthday party. She's a planner like her mom (also inherited from Papa I think) so originally she wanted this theme for her 8th birthday party. Plans got sidetracked when she was bitten by the pirate bug so number 8 was a pirate party complete with a treasure hunt at the park. So this party was 2 years in the making. God knew what He was doing too because I got a lot of luau party supplies cheap at a store that was going out of business. Sad for them but good for me as I bought this stuff a few months before Todd got laid off. Funny, huh?
Limbo anyone?
Joshua using his Jedi moves on the starfish pinata
My favorite part of the party was the beach cake. I used a few borrowed ideas & some from my own head. All of Hannah's friends & 2 cousins are on the cake. I cut out their heads from pictures and glued them on twist tie bodies & put them on various areas of the cake. Those fancy candy stores at the mall sell all kinds of "beach" type gummy candies. There are sharks,fish,turtles,octopus,whales, & rings for the innertubes. They also sell M&M type chocolate candies that look like rocks to make the fire pit. I used pretzel sticks for the limbo, striped gum for beach towels, somewhat melted starburst to form surf boards, paper umbrellas,& an upside down sugar ice cream cone for a volcano. Hannah loved it & that's what matters most.
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