Well, Happy New Year! A little late I know. We spent a quiet new year's eve at home playing games and setting off a few fireworks. We didn't even make it to midnight because Todd got scheduled to open the next day. So as you can see we haven't had an exciting life to update you on.
January birthdays:
Todd-I love you hubby:o)
Fred-Our brother-in-law. We hope your day is blessed.
Hannah was in her first Spelling Bee last night. There were only 6 kids in her age group and she's mad at herself for going out in the 3rd round on an easy word. I can't console her with how hard it is to get up in front of people and spell (correctly), how it's never the same as practicing at home, or how nerves just get the best of you. I hadn't signed her up at first because of money and because I knew how she'd take it to lose even though spelling is her favorite subject. I was asked to take the pictures for the yearbook and my fee would be waived so while she had over 3 weeks to learn the words she didn't have as long as the others. I don't think it would have mattered as it is just different up there on stage actually spelling the words in front of everyone. She has said she'd do it next year. Now that she knows what it's like I think she'll be a little less nervous and next time I'll get the list sooner. I put up a picture but she was not smiley. In fact, I don't think I took a picture of any smiling kids. They all looked nervous.
The kids are still playing football and Hannah starts theater again at the end of the month. The play will be Robin Hood. We're looking forward to a quick visit with my mom this week and later this month will be our annual snow trip to Flagstaff with an overnight visit to Strawberry.