In early November we participated in a geography & history fair with our homeschool group-I'll probably just start abbreviating our name. Get used to HEoS (Home Educators of Surprise)to start showing up a lot when I mention doing things with that group. We originally picked Egypt to study but since the fair was short notice (about 2 weeks) I decided that was not enough time to properly study Egypt & the people.
We are reading through the 7 Chronicles of Narnia books for the 2nd time this year so we decided to study C.S. Lewis & throw in some fictional geography of Narnia as well as where C.S. Lewis was born & lived. I read the books out loud to both the kids & we can't wait for Prince Caspian to come out on DVD Tuesday even though that will end up being a Christmas present. We had lots of fun thinking up & making the props to go with the display. I say "we" a lot because we try to make these things a family affair. It's not just Hannah's project. If you are familair with the books & the movies maybe you can make out what some of the props are. If you are not familiar with the books then I suggest you read them. We already had a shield & sword for King Peter's gift. Hannah made Susan's arrows with straws & feathers and her horn out of Crayola model magic clay. I filled a small glass bottle with water & food coloring to be Lucy's healing cordial (juice of the fire-flower) & we already had a dagger too. Since Edmund didn't get a gift we made fake Turkish Delight to represent him. I had a hankerchief to represent the hanky Lucy gave Mr. Tumnus. We also used insta-snow (fun stuff) to be under the props. The picture of the Dawn Treader was traced off the book,colored in, & "framed" with popsicle sticks. Read the book if you want to know why. Plus we made 2 yellow & green "rings" out of pipe cleaners. Again-read the books. It was fun to put together. An interesting fact we learned about C.S. Lewis was that he died the same day JFK was shot. I'm sure his death was noted quietly.
We also got to see the Narnia Exhibit at our Science Center in August. It was very cool & we'd would love to see it again. If you get a chance to see it in your city I think you should go!

Here is Queen Lucy & High King Peter.